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Welcome to Laser4Pain. Let us help you to live pain-free!

Chronic and acute pain can drag you down and steal your energy. If you suffer from pain, our laser treatments (designed for pain relief) may help you to a state of reduced pain, or even transform your life into a pain-free existence.


Laser treatments are safe, effective, and proven to work. Headed by Dr. Andrew St Clair Logan BA MB BChir (Cantab) FFPMRCA Consultant Pain Management, our Chester based laser clinic can help you. We now have the new improve K Cube Plus 30 Watts!

Innovative laser therapy can help you to attain the pain relief you crave and deserve. These safe treatments use a laser beam to encourage healing.

Laser therapy can treat a number of chronic and acute pain conditions. It has shown itself to be effective for joint issues, diabetic ulcers, and much more.

If you have questions about laser therapy, and how it can help you to move towards a pain-free life, read through our F.A.Q. page for answers to commonly asked questions.

Want to schedule an appointment for your own pain-relieving laser therapy? Contact us at our Chester laser clinic on Wrexham Road today to get started.

What is laser therapy?

What does it treat?

Read our F.A.Q. page

Schedule an appointment

About laser therapy Laser treatments for you Your questions answered Contact us for appointments